Monday, February 15, 2010

Challenge part Twoooo..of TWOOOOOO!

Okie Dokie then Stacy Wacy!

While we're on the subject of psychedelic Vincent Price films, your challenge is one of my favorites from Roger Corman and Edgar Allen Poe.

Masque of the Red Death!

The same challenges that you gave me apply as well. Watch the film from a design point of view with color costume, and wacky 60's hair. Also, try spotting some other Edgar Allen Poe references in the film other than the story its based on as well as how this story was adapted to a full feature film. If you haven't seen this one...which I bet you have because I know you touch yourself to Vincent Price, I'm sure you'll love it!


Stac said...

Mmmmm... Vincent Price..

I LOVE this movie and look forward to seeing it again!!

James Gracey said...

Yay! Masque of the Red Death! The death of Prospero’s ape-suited friend Alfredo (Patrick Magee) at the hands of a vengeful midget (!!) is lifted wholesale from Poe's 'Hop-Frog'.

Stac said...

James: I was remembering the same thing!! Vincent Price is so unrepentantly soulless in this movie. LOVE it!

Nojh said...

Okay not really related to this post. But I was wondering you two's opinion on this:

Stac said...

Nojh: I saw a preview for that when I went and saw Avatar. I'm.. not sure how I feel about it, really. Atmosphere looks great, and I love Ron Perleman in anything. But Nicolas Cage is kinda over saturated for me at the moment, his accent is hilarious in this role (I'm sorry, but his strange drawl doesn't really work with pseudo Olde English.), and this doesn't really treat witches in a very favorable light.

I'll probably see it, but I have no idea what my reaction will be. Truth be told, I'm rooting for the witch.

Cins said...

James>>I'm a TOTAL sucker for Roger Corman's Poe films. I also love the Pit and the Penduliem!

Nojh>*L* I saw the trailer for that and damn near fell out of my chair laughing. It looks on par with the Wicker Man remade which means I'll probably pick it up on netflix or cable and drink while watching it.

Nojh said...

Yeah I was of mixed opinion too. Ron Perleman is awesome. And I have a soft spot for Nicholas Cage. And I'll probably be rooting for the witch too. But I also rooted for the warlock in Warlock.

A Cinematic Slice of Cheese said...

When I first heard Season of the Witch I thought Nicholas cage was starring n a remake of Halloween III. Honestly I would pay to see that....