Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Fuckin' Glow Stick!

The Jack Chop, a Halloween parody of the Slap-Chop, as done by Adam Green of Hatchet fame! In 2:48 seconds you get pumpkins, f-bombs, and grievous bodily harm!


EvieMae said...

Whoa! I almost threw up watching that one.

Stac said...

I laughed my butt off, personally. ;D

Nojh said...

Ha! That made me both laugh and cringe.

The glow stick I think makes it the deal worth it, you know?

Nojh said...

Oh. Something you two might enjoy.

Stac said...

Nojh: wasn't that great? I loved "ow..ow..that's fuckin' tendah." after he sliced his mouth open.

I saw that on (I think?) the Cake Wreck blog! What a great idea for a cake! Since I'm planning on a Halloween wedding, I may have to do something similar!